Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Day 124 (9)

Hey everyone,

I hope all are well, I am doing quite nicely this humid Wednesday night.

Since my last post I've gone through thin and thick and now a little more thin, so I'm in pretty good spirits.

Memorial weekend was a lot of fun; getting out into the country with some of my close mountain biking amigos. My parents were originally planning on coming until they heard plans of camping-out. I think they were more afraid of the trials myself. Anyway, it was a nice 'last hurrah' before the 6th and possible final round of chemo. My family and I also had the privilege of heading out to lake Conroe with some friends Memorial day. Victims flying off tubes and relentlessly pursuing transit on kneeboards were cheered and applauded. Great food and company, thanks.

I started my 6th round on Tuesday the 2nd and was handling like the others until about the second day. Apparently I have gotten a few pounds heavier and they increased my dosage to match. My body seemed to notice the change, which made for more dazed and nauseating days until yesterday. Right now, I'm recovering like before and hope to plan another mountain biking trip before the MRI and the doctor visits probably at the end of the month. All in all I'm thankful to be done for now and for continued blessings.

All Glory To God. Amen.

P.S. One of my good friends posed a question which has got me thinking...

"Are you going to do anything crazy after your finished with it all?"

Skydiving and the sort has crossed my mind, do you have any suggestions about how to celebrate?


  1. i think you and ross should take a trip to new zealand to do some hiking and mountain biking:)

  2. Yes!

    Ryan, you should plan a crazy-legit mountain biking and camping trip.

    Btw. I had a great time at Rocky Hill Ranch! Thanks for bringing me out there.
